Friday, November 28, 2008

anti-simple pleasures

It has been a million years since we have updated and I fear that this update is going to focus more on my anti simple pleasures. these are things that grind my gears or make me kind of sad.


1. Vomiting.
long story here, but just let you know that a.) I'm never drinking again and b.) I enjoyed my thanksgiving dinner twice

2. Loneliness
I'm home, with only my parents to keep me company. I love them dearly but I haven't been around people my own age in a week.

3. Carpal Tunnel
due to the boringness of being home, I have excessively been using the internet. perhaps I may even start living in the internet. prolonged laptop use = sore wrists. uck.

4. The Shower at Home
my shower in my apartment is so luxurious - it's always steamy and always has wonderful pressure. my shower at home is only lukewarm and the pressure is terrible. not to mention I left the good shampoo in Athens.

5. Faux Pas
of any sort. hate them.