Readers, if you should know one thing about me it is that I absolutely
hate the winter. Everything becomes dead and desolate and the freezing weather only chaps my skin and makes me feel generally gross about 90% of the time. That is why Winter is an ultimate ANTI SIMPLE PLEASURE.
Winter not only causes me to shiver uncontrollably, it also makes me feel like sleeping all the time, freeze up my car, and have to do more laundry due to the hefty amount of clothing i am required to wear. The snow is never friendly in this part of ohio either. You can go up north to Cleveland and be immersed in a winter wonderland of sorts, yet in rural southeaster ohio you get a lovely blend of sleet, ice, and rain. Nothing pretty, only precipitation that will make it incredibly hard to walk or drive in and make the ground all muddy.
The one nice thing about winter is the generally acceptance of long underwear. For years my mom had been trying to get me to wear long underwear under my jeans. "Erin," she would say "denim is just not that warm, your little legs are going to freeze." Finally, during my freshman year of college I heeded her warning and began wearing really ugly pairs of long underwear under my jeans and my legs have thanked me every winter since.
Long underwear is also fun to lounge around in. It's lightweight and allows for premium movement of your legs. Never be embarrassed of your long underwear peeking out from your pants, readers -- other people will just envy you for your warmth.