Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bikes in the hallway...

Although missing my family is like, the anti-Simple Pleasure of my summer, there are moments of Simple Pleasure goodness creeping into my life like you wouldn't believe. Just a bit earlier, mi amiga Xana started riding her bike in our adjoining dorm rooms, then up and down the dorm hallway. I snapped some blurry photos whilst she did so, as I was sporting some PJs (Morrissey shirt & yoga pants, thanks) and well, I don't know how to ride a bike. She was making all sorts of goofy faces, and we were cracking up at the pictures that ensued.

Xana and I typically have all sorts of fun little adventures late at night, especially this summer. It usually starts with one of us IMing the other, despite being within earshot of one another. Aaaand then one of us will be hungry, so we'll get in the car and drive to Wendy's. Or maybe one of us needs something minor at Wal-Mart. An excuse for a trip out. Xana does junk like that all the time, and I can see why. Our late night pow-wows are definitely a Simple Pleasure, even when we don't do anything but sit around goofing off or booping (noses, of course; get your mind outta the gutter) for a few minutes. She gets excited about little things like I do, and I like that.

Also another Simple Pleasure: Living in this brand new, ultra plush dorm for free as a perk of one of my jobs. Well, I guess that's not so simple, but I still like it a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw riding bikes indoors is always fun!