I love my parents and all, but I've gotta say, one of the best parts of going back home has to be an oversized, leather recliner that sits in our family room. My parents managed to find a leather recliner that feels like a La-Z-Boy without resembling one of those schlumpy, ugly devils that bachelors seem to find so appealing. In fact, the chair reminds me quite a bit of the chair that Aiden made Carrie on "Sex & the City." See? (In the right corner!)

Anyway, I love the chair not because of its resemblance to what some would call famous furniture, but because it completely, totally envelopes those who sit in it. It is a far superior piece of furniture than any I've ever experienced in my life, even soaring above the ridiculously plush couches in my apartment. The beauty of the chair is that it is so multi-purpose; its wooden arms are perfect for resting plates or glasses on while eating. I usually put my digital solitaire game on own arm and the remote on the other, so they are both without reaching distance whilst I enjoy some TV.
Being leather and all, this chair is not the greatest in the summer because it sticks to your legs, etc. But despite Global Warming's best efforts to raise temperatures into T-shirt weather as of late, it is still chilly enough to snuggle up under a blanket while sitting in my favorite chair during the evening. I've been enjoying falling asleep mid-way through movies while sitting in that recliner recently.
If you have the means, I'd highly recommend picking up a chair of similar structure. I mean, who doesn't love super-comfy recliners? I love it when I'm at someone's house and I find the oversized recliner free for my enjoyment. It is always better than awkwardly getting stuck crammed on the couch with friends and/or their various family members. This recliner's the tops, though. It even makes me look forward to aimless channel surfing with my mum.